International IDEA

International IDEA



The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization with 35 Member States founded in 1995, with an exclusive mandate to support and advance democracy worldwide. 

We develop policy-friendly research related to elections, parliaments, constitutions, digitalization, climate change, inclusion and political representation, all under the umbrella of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We assess the performance of democracies through our unique Global State of Democracy Indices and Democracy Tracker. Our Climate Change and Democracy workstream builds knowledge, convenes dialogues, offers capacity, and provides policy advice to inspire institutional reform and effective civil discourse about climate change.

We provide capacity development and expert advice to democratic actors including governments, parliaments, election officials and civil society. We develop tools and publish databases, books and primers in several languages on topics ranging from voter turnout to gender quotas. We bring states and non-state actors together for dialogues and lesson-sharing. We stand up and speak out to promote and protect democracy worldwide.

Year of Establishment
Country of Activity
Organisation Type
Organisation Scope

Work Processes
