New activity on food for Parma’s primary schools, inspired by JRC toolkit
The Municipality of Parma (Ufficio ristorazione scolastica) has recently launched a new initiative called ‘Partecipare di Gusto: Dialogare a tavola per un pasto buono, sano, consapevole e sostenibile’. (Engaging with gusto: table talk for a delicious, healthy and sustainable meal). The initiative, designed by the Municipality, is part of a yearly series of laboratories and educational activities dedicated to food.
The playful 1-hour activity is tailored for pupils in their third and fourth years of primary school, as well as teachers. The dialogues take place during mealtime at the canteen and includes the themes: what am I eating, and why? and; what does it mean to eat, and to eat well? The initiative, free of charge, is targeting 131 classes from Parma’s municipality and runs until April 2025.
More information are available here:
The European Commission’s toolkit ‘Engaging with food, people and places’ has served as an inspiration for the launch of this initiative. You can download the toolkit, in Italian, English, Portuguese and German, here and read more about the scientific research project “Making Eat Together” that led to design of the toolkit.
If you are a school or municipality, and you are interested to receive few copies or know more about the project, write us at
The illustration on the side was made by La Bande Destinée for the above mentioned toolkit.