In support of different ways of knowing

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Submitted by Angela PEREIRA on

In support of different ways of knowing

Local, traditional and indigenous knowledges offer critical insights and ways of knowing that may not be considered or included in traditional science and policymaking methods. The CC-DEMOS is upstarting a new Community of Practice to bring in these inputs and work across different ways of knowing.

Since 2020, the JRC has been investigating knowledge production practices that are respectful of different ways of knowing. Our focus has been mostly in the Arctic, but more recently we have started investigating other places where local, traditional and indigenous knowledges are crucial to governing the different crises that affect us all, humans and other beings alike, and the localised issues of concern that are relevant for local and indigenous communities. 

in 2024 we conducted a number of in-depth interviews with young researchers that develop their work in the Arctic. It was surprising that all felt that a community of practice would be beneficial to those who want to work with local and indigenous communities --or, as the lexicon goes -- 'original peoples'. There is also a wealth of literature centred for example on how to counteract extractivist and colonial research methods, and  a few university departments that are well placed to share their practices on this topic. Some of them are in consortia leading projects financed by the EU H2020 programme such as Arctic Passion, which has been placing a lot of attention on this. The CC-DEMOS, with the Arctic Passion project, hosted a workshop in May 2023 that explored the role of arts as mediating different ways of knowing. 

If you want to know more about this Community of Practice in the making, please contact us at In the spirit of co-creation we are looking to co-create it with you! 

About the Author
Ângela Guimarães Pereira leads the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy. Her research and interests focus on different ways of knowing about environment and society, speculative “futuring” and citizen engagement institutionalisation(s). Post-normal science has been inspiring her work on governance of and dialogues about policy, science and technology. She advises on, designs and carries out citizen participation activities in science and policymaking.