Démocratie & participation. Groupement d'intéret scientifique (GIS)
The scientific interest group (GIS), chaired by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), aims to develop research on public participation in decision-making and participatory democracy. GIS is the preferred tool to dialogue about these research between the research community in the humanities and social sciences (in particular within the GIS partner organizations: CNRS, IFSTTAR, IRSTEA, CIRAD, INRA), the institutions and companies in charge of implementing the participation of citizens to decision-making processes (especially those that are GIS partners: ADEME, IRSN, Association of Regions of France, National Commission for Public Debate, Réseau Ferré de France, Electricity Transmission Network, EDF), and civil society.
MSH Paris Nord 20, av. George Sand 93210 La Plaine, Saint-Denis