Fundatia Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitatile de Romi

Fundatia Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitatile de Romi



The Foundation Center for Resources for Roma Communities (CRCR) is a non-governmental organization that aims to improve the living conditions of the Roma communities in Romania.

CRCR has the following long-term objectives:

- to support the efforts of the Roma communities to solve the problems they face;

- to contribute to the identification and neutralization of the different forms of discrimination of the Roma;

- to contribute to the improvement of communication between Roma and non-Roma;

- to support the development of a network of Roma NGOs capable of developing solutions to the problems they face, in partnership with local authorities and communities;

- to encourage the expression of the cultural and linguistic identity of the Roma;

- to stimulate the active involvement of the young generation of Roma.

Year of Establishment
Country of Activity
Organisation Type
Organisation Scope



St. Tebei, no. 21

Work Processes

Methods and Tools

Participatory Methods
Other Participatory Methods
Digital Tools