

Nathalie Hecq
Main Organisation


CITIZENV is a new initiative developed by DG ENV in January 2019. It is designed as a Dialogue with Citizens and focuses on the environment and young people. CITIZENV is proposing a discussion in all Member States between our native-speaking colleagues and a group of 25 young men and women aged between 18 and 25 years old. The workshop lasts a full morning or afternoon. By asking the same five questions in a very friendly and participatory way in all Member States, we are able to gather ideas on what young Europeans care about in relation to European environmental policies.  We work in close cooperation with our counterparts (EDIC, universities, local groups, museums, etc.) to help bring this dialogue into life and make the promotion ourselves and via our local partners.

Participation Spectrum

When and Where

Start Year

Policy Context

Science or Policy Field
Specific Topic
The future of the EU environmental policies.


Communities or representatives involved
Young citizens from 18 to 25. Some were part of environmental associations; most of them were students.
How were the Participants selected?
Through what means citizens knew about the call for participation?
- Media: Facebook pages, radio advertising
- promotion via local EDIC
- emails sent to schools/universities
- promotion via Green Spider Network and Perm Rep
- colleagues also helping to promote the event taking place in their country


Methodologies used
Methodology description
Participatory Leadership with young people taking the lead. the ENV colleague listens.
facilitates, keeps the time.
Tools Used


Main Outcomes and Lasting Achievement
Some participants involved in local env protection activities or NGOs would like to become Ambassadors of DG ENV.EC should pay attention to link policies and NGOs/researchers in the environmental protection field.
We are now working on organising worshops with young influencers and with NGOs to develop these bridges.

How were the outcome taken up within the process they were carried out?
Results will be considered by the ENV unit in charge of policies.
Were the methodologies used elsewhere?


Reason for such challenges and solutions
We started from scratch so finding the right way to make the initiative known was challenging. Then I got familiar with contacting Edics, finding places to welcome the event, convincing people to help us. Sometimes unfortunately it does not work as some Edics are not as active as others.
Lessons Learn
- citizens feel heard and taken seriously.
- citizens ask for this type of initiatives and want to know more about the Commission.
- we are seen as "real existing people acting for all of us".
1. Be yourself.
2. If you cant answer a question, say it and add that a colleague in charge of the file will reply and make sure this is done!
3. Make sure that the ideas are used. People don't like talking and sharing ideas without a clear purpose.