Study on the Civil Dialogue Groups for the Common Agricultural Policy– Analysis of EU Policy Consultation
The European Commission (DG AGRI) has commissioned Deloitte Consulting B.V. to conduct the “Study on the Civil Dialogue Groups for the CAP – Analysis of the EU Policy Making” in December 2018 for a duration of 10 months. The contractor should deliver the final report (including recommendations) by mid-October 2019.
The study analyses the impact of the CDGs (13 groups composed of EU-level non-governmental organisations selected via a public call for applications by Director General of DG AGRI in 2014) on policy-making and the interlinkage with Better Regulation tools, assesses their present operation against the tasks set out in the CDG decision and identifies areas for improvement.
The conclusions of the study do not bind the Commission. The results of the study will feed into the review of the 2013 CDG Decision on setting up a framework for civil dialogue. The publication of the final report is foreseen for beginning of 2020.
When and Where
Policy Context
All 13 CDGs were covered: Animal Products, Arable Crops, Wine, Milk, Horticulture, olives and spirits, International Aspects of Agriculture, Direct payments and greening, Rural Development, Forestry and Cork, Environment and Climate Change, Organic...
2) Online questionnaire – 457 unique responses were recorded by the Contractor.
3) Attendance at CDG meetings - a total of 12 CDG meetings attended by Contractor Feb-May 2019.
4) In-depth interviews (4 with EC officials + 11 interviews with representatives from Member Organisations).
5) 10 Case Studies.
6) Half-day workshop – on 9 July 2019 in Brussels to present the preliminary findings of the Policy Study and collect input for generating recommendations.
The Steering Group (composed of representatives of DG Agri and other DGs) has held 5 meetings with the contractor throughout the duration of the study in order to assess the ongoing work, give guidance and propose corrections to the methodology chosen.