Citizen Engagement Festival

Citizen Engagement Festival


The first Citizen Engagement Festival aims primarily at launching formally the Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement at the Joint Research Centre and to reach out to other interested colleagues across the Commission.

Building on the conclusions of a first workshop on citizen engagement held in Ispra on the 26th June 2018, the Festival aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • Strengthen and widen across the Commission the understanding of the role of citizen engagement for policy;
  • Enrich the mapping of citizen engagement initiatives and launch a Community of Practice on citizen engagement;
  • Contributing to capacity building about citizen engagement tools and methodologies and address some cross-cutting challenges;
  • Identifying new engagement needs and opportunities to develop a programme of collaborative initiatives for the Community of Practice


23 October 2018

8:30 | Welcome with coffee

9:00 | Introduction to the Festival
Charlina Vicheva, DDG JRC;
Angela Guimaraes Pereira, JRC I.2

9:30 | Keynote 1: Citizen Engagement in Policy Making at EU Level
Helge Schröder, SG

10:15 | Keynote 2: Public Engagement for Better Policy and Services
Martin Forst, OECD

12:30 | Tea break

11:30 | Citizens Panel: Reflections on citizen engagement from engaged citizens.

12:30 | Exhibition of Citizen Engagement projects
[With Lunch from 12.45]

14:30 | Mini-Seminar on Apps made in JRC
Sven Schade, JRC B6

15:15 | Tea break

15:45 | Keynote 3: Remaking Engagement
Prof. Jason Chilvers, University of East Anglia, UK

16:15 | Interactive exercise: citizen engagement in practice

17:00 | Play: “The Shining Path”, by Rahila Gupta
Played by Eur Art, JRC Theatre Company: Paolo Pizziol and Nada Kojic Edward

17.30 | End of Day 1

24 October 2018

8:30 | Welcome with coffee

9:00 | Introduction of day 2

Angela Guimaraes Pereira, JRC I.2

9:15 | Challenge the challenges!

Parallel working sessions on crosscutting challenges:

        • scalability

        • listening to citizens

10:45 | Tea break

11:15 | Mapping game – mapping of citizen engagement

12:15 | ​​​​Exhibition of  Citizen Engagement projects (cont.)

[With Lunch from 12.30]

14:30 | Mini-Seminar on e-participation

Paulo Rosa, JRC I.2

15:15 | What we have been doing...

Nick Payne

15:45 | Tea break

16:15 | Launch of the CoP

Charlina Vitcheva, DDG JRC

17:15 | Concluding remarks


17.30 | END of Festival


Via E. Fermi, 2749, 21027 Ispra

45.809147615654, 8.6336553096771