Horizon Europe InfoDay - Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society"
17 Jan 2023 -
The InfoDay on the forthcoming Horizon Europe calls for proposals for research and innovation in the field of democracy will take place on 17 January 2023 at 09:00 (CET) on-line. See documents and details at:
The call concerns the topics of:
- Detecting, analysing and countering foreign information manipulation and interference
- Developing a better understanding of information suppression by state authorities as an example of foreign information manipulation and interference
- New approaches for combatting corruption and other undue influences on political decision-making
- The emotional politics of democracies
- The climate imperative and its impact on democratic governance
- Democratic governance for times of disruptive changes to the social contract
- Intersectionality and equality in deliberative and participatory democratic spaces
- Political perspectives for the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans
Deadline for submitting proposals: 14 March 2023.
Online Event