Implementing the proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Implementing the proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe


Strengthening European citizenship through promoting European identity and democratic values

The European Union is rooted in the respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights. These are the shared values which form our European identity and citizenship, uniting EU citizens in all their diversity.

The recommendations of the Conference on the Future of Europe clearly demonstrate the citizens' call to the EU institutions to communicate better on how the EU makes a difference in their everyday lives and how our shared values are protected.

Fundamental EU values should not only be enshrined in the EU Treaties, but – most importantly – shared through practices, communication and education, thus promoting the ownership of the European project among citizens, preserving the European heritage and identity, strengthening the resilience of European democracy against disinformation and other threats to democratic processes at all levels. This is of utmost importance in view of the European elections.

Local and regional authorities can help to bring Europe closer to the citizens and can be hubs for strengthening communication and engagement on European issues on the ground.

The 19th meeting of the CIVEX Commission will take place fully in person on Monday, 18 September 2023 from 10:00 to 13:30 EEST, at the Timișoara Convention Center, Strada Mărășești 1-3, Timișoara 300086, Romania.

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19 September 2023

9:00 | Registration and welcome coffee

9:30 | Opening remarks

9:45 | Session 1: "From the Conference on the Future of Europe to European elections:

strengthening trust in EU democracy"

11:00 | Coffee break

11:20 | Presentation of best practices from the CoR pilot project on Promoting EU values through education and culture #ProEuropeanValues

12:00 | Session 2: "European Values and identity: strengthening EU citizenship"

13:20 | Concluding remarks on Regional and Local contributions to reinforce citizens' trust in the EU democratic values


Timișoara Convention Center, Strada Mărășești 1-3, Timișoara 300086, Romania

45.755054400625, 21.22532245


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Draft programme 253.69 KB