A new chapter for participatory democracy: Paving the way for the future

A new chapter for participatory democracy: Paving the way for the future


The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is organising a conference on A new chapter for participatory democracy: Paving the way for the future. The event will take place on Friday, 15 December 2023, from 10.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m (CET), in-person at the CoR (room JDE52, Jaques Delors building) and online.

Strengthening the democratic foundation of the European Union has always been at the very core of the European Committee of Regions. Local and regional politicians are the closest link to the citizens and it is their duty to bring their voices to the European level in order to ensure policymaking that creates a difference on the ground. Effectively engaging citizens is necessary in order to adequately represent them and to develop tailored solutions that reflect the vast diversity of Europe. This is important now more than ever, against a backdrop of technological leaps and ahead of the European elections in 2024. This conference will tackle these issues and attempt to highlight a path towards the future of citizen participation.


Should you wish to participate, please REGISTER by 13 December 2023, end of business(Registration is compulsory for those without an EU badge to access the building)

More Information



10:00-10:30 | Opening session

10:30-11:15 | Democracy in action: Reflecting on the progress made in citizen participation

11:15-12:00 | Harnessing the regional potential: Subnational authorities as the loudspeakers of citizens

12:00-12:45 | The impact of technology on the future of democracy

12:00-12:45 | Closing

Download the draft agenda


Batiment Jacques Delors, Rue Belliard 99/101, room JDE52

50.840312951828, 4.3772474


Attachment Size
Draft agenda 190.61 KB