Each sector of science now has distinct challenges of quality. For scientific research, it is reproducibility; for application, consequences; for science advice, acceptability; and for the autonomous ‘citizen’ and ‘DIY’ sciences, governance.
This workshop will consider current challenges to quality assurance in science and their effects on the trustworthiness of science, as knowledge, in applications and in policy. The challenges originate from the previous transformation from community-based ‘little’ science to industrial-scale ‘big’ science, which had effects on research-incentives and thus commitment and morale.
The present transformation, that we call ‘information-age’ science, has enabled new social practices and sources of commitment to emerge, both within and outside of established science, that offer new ways of resolving the challenges of quality assurance.
- For those involved in maintaining existing streams of production, application and advice, some key questions are:By what methodologies could the existing institutions accommodate to the new tendencies, for their mutual benefit?
- By what means, including dialogues and participation, could the new forms of practice be guided in the development of appropriate quality procedures?
This workshop will be devoted to a review of these new tendencies, and to communication among them, exploring amongst others, how the insights of Post-Normal Science can contribute to their understanding and way out.
Scientific Committee
Alice Benessia, Anne Blanchard, Bruna De Marchi, Silvio Funtowicz, Mario Giampietro, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Zora Kovacic, Simon Meisch, Jerome Ravetz, Andrea Saltelli, Roger Strand, Jeroen van der Sluijs
3 March 2016
08:30 - Registration
08:45 - Welcome [DDG01]
09:00 - Keynote address: “New Currents of Science: Challenges of Quality”
DG Vladimir Śucha, DG JRC
09:30 - Keynote address: “Introduction to the Conversations”
Jerome Ravetz, InSIS, Univ. of Oxford
10:00 - Keynote address: “Who are the experts in policy advice? Experiences from research and practice"
Bruna De Marchi, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
10:30 - Tea
11:00 - In conversation with: "Is Science on the verge? Challenges of quality in science for policy: reproducibility, demarcation and accountability"
Chair: Martin O’Connor, Univ. of Paris‐Saclay and Association ePLANETe Blue
- Andrea Saltelli, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
- Silvio Funtowicz, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
- Alice Benessia, Univ. of Torino
- Jerome Ravetz, InSIS, Univ. of Oxford
- Jeroen van der Sluijs, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
12:30 - Lunch
13:30 - In conversation with: "New uncertainties, unacceptabilities, non-governabilities and other future torments in science for policy"
Chair: Jeroen van der Sluijs, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
- ‘Japanese techno-‐scientific policy and citizen’s science movement in post-311: discrepancy and incongruity’ - Togo Tsukahara, Univ. of Kobe
- ‘Born in complexity: treating pharmaceuticals in surface waters’ - Simon Meisch, Eberhard Karls Univ., Tübingen
- ‘Crickets, Chickens, and High Quality Conflicts: One Health Policy in a Complex World’ - David Waltner-Toews, Univ of Guelph
- ‘The New Science? Genome editing: Between Open Society of Science and Anarchy’ - Christiaan de Koning, Univ. of Oxford
- ‘Who got heard during the Okavango Delta Management Plan?’ - Lapologang Magole, Univ. of Botswana
15:00 - Tea
15:15 - In conversation with: "Governance of quality – why we need to go beyond excellence"
Chair: Silvio Funtowicz, SVT, Univ. Bergen
- ‘Is excellence the enemy of quality in science?’ - Jack Stilgoe, University College of London
- ‘Research quality, impact and responsibility: finding a way for the social sciences’ - Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School
- ‘TRUST: a new nexus for reflexivity practices’ - Nicolas Kønig, Tom Børsen, Claus Emmeche, Aalborg Univ.
- ‘Re-‐imagining research policy indicators’ - Sjoerd Hardeman et al., Centraal Planbureau, Den Hague
16:45 - Panel 1 - Teaching, Publishing, Advising - Quality?
Chair: Adriana Valente, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- Stephane Berghmans, ELSEVIER
- Giuseppe Munda, DG JRC.DDG01
- Martin Pigeon, Corporate Europe Observatory
- Gideon Shimshon, Leiden University
- Andrea Saltelli, SVT, Univ. Bergen
17:45 - Festival of Quality [JRC Visitors' Centre]
4 March 2016
08:45 - Keynote address: “We have always been post-normal”
Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State Univ.
09:15 - In conversation with: "Quality assurance by extended peer review"
Chair: Matthias Kaiser, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
- ‘Interrogating imagined energy futures: Improving quality by mobilizing post-normal science and moving towards an extended peer community’ - Ingrid Foss Ballo, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
- ‘Dealing with environmental justice’ - Jean Marc Douguet, ePLANETe.Blue
- ‘From truth to credibility: changes in environmental knowledge authoritativeness’ - Cecilia Hidalgo, Univ. of Buenos Aires
- ‘Ethics and Epidemiology in extended dialogue’ - Annibale Biggeri, Univ. of Firenze
- ‘Doing CRISPR: insights into science’s credibility, industry’s legitimacy and societal saliency…’ - Dorothy J. Dankel, SVT, Univ. of Bergen
10:30 - Tea
11:00 - Keynote address: “Socially responsible science – meanings and tensions”
Maja Horst, Univ. of Copenhagen
11:30 - In conversation with: "Governance of quality with emerging loci of knowledge production"
Chair: Tom Wakeford, Univ. of Coventry
- ‘Auditing assumptions: the role of Citizen Science in future food production’ - Daniela Soleri, Univ. of California
- ‘Challenging Quality’ - Ron Salaj, Science for Change, Kosovo
- ‘From Quality products to products of power and empowerment’ - Jacqueline Vadjunec, Oklahoma State Univ.
- ‘Institutions vs. DIY: bridging the divide’ - Ilya Levantis, London Biohackspace
13:00 - Lunch with Installation
‘DIY aerial photography in conflict – a spatial testimony‘
Hagit Keysar, Ben Gurion Univ.
14:15 - In conversation with: "Quality of and through hybridisations? Science, Humanities and Arts to address societal challenges of our times"
Chair: Ângela Guimarães Pereira, DG JRC.DDG01
- ‘A year without a winter’ - Deliah Hannah, Arizona State Univ.
- ‘A university tale: hybridisations at the Univ. of Amersfoort’ - Diana Wildshut, Amersfoort Univ.
- ‘Resonances’ - Stefano Galmarini, DG JRC.H4
- ‘The ability to respond: poetry and photography as quality evidence’ - Alice Benessia, Univ. of Torino and David Waltner‐Toews, Univ. Guelph
15:45 - Tea
16:00 - Panel 2: “So…Is science on the verge? Reflections from the two days...”
Chair: Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School
- Liat Brix-‐Etgar, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
- Tom Wakeford, Univ. of Coventry
- Martin O’Connor, Univ. Paris-Saclay
- Daniela Soleri, Univ. of California
16:45 Panel 3: “What should the EC do about it?”
Chair: Sven Langedijk, DG JRC.DDG01
- Giuseppe Borsalino, DG RTD.DDG1.B.7
- Stephen Davies, DG JRC.TF
- Zsolt Gábor Pataky, European Parliament - STOA
- John Magan, DG CNECT.DDG1.C3
- Michaela Saisana, DG JRC.DDG01
- Diana Vlad-Calcic, DG CNECT.02.003
17:30 - Final remarks
17h45 - END