Pilot training on citizen engagement for Public Administrations in PL

Pilot training on citizen engagement for Public Administrations in PL


What is it?

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre is developing a training package on co-creation and deliberative processes for public administrations in Europe. It consists of ten modules, which are being piloted in different countries.

The training here proposed includes three advanced modules and will be offered as an in-person pilot in Polish language. We hope to gather as many feedbacks as possible from participants in order to ensure that we can best serve public administrations to pursue citizen engagement processes.

Why should you join?

By participating in this training you will have the opportunity to learn practical skills on how to engage citizens in your administration, network with fellow colleagues from Poland, and contribute to the creation of an in-depth training course and handbook on participatory processes that will be of use to local and national public administrations all over Europe. 

Who can participate?

The training is intended for all staff working in public administrations, including civil servants, policy officers, and elected officials.  The expected group size is approximately 15 people, and participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis.


For registration, please fill this form and for further inquiries contact zuza.m.nowak@gmail.com.



The three advanced training modules will cover the following areas:

  • What are the reasons for using participatory and deliberative methods and how to ensure that they are fit-for-purpose.
  • What are the stages for planning  a participatory process and how to do it..
  • What strategies for best dissemination and use of the results of the participatory processes with external target audience.

For further information, please see the agenda of the programme attached


