Festival 2022 > Registration


Festival 2022 > Registration


This year the Festival offers three possible ways to participate:

  1. In presence at DG JRC in Brussels, Belgium (8.30am-5.30pm on 20th October, 2022 & 9.30am-5.30pm on 21st October, 2022) (livestream available)
  2. In presence at DG JRC in Ispra, Italy (12.30pm-5.30pm on 20th October, 2022) (livestream available)
  3. Online (10.30am-5.30pm on 20th October, 2022 & 11am-5.30pm on 21st October, 2022 - via Zoom)


Please note that it is no longer possible to register for in presence participation in Brussels and Ispra. Registrations for online participation will remain open until the end of the Festival.

Participants joining online will receive a single Zoom link closer to the festival date, which will provide access to all online sessions. The in-presence sessions in Brussels and Ispra will be available via livestream. You do not need to register if you only choose to follow the event via livestream.

More information about registration

If in-person registration is full, we will notify you if a space becomes available due to cancellation. Currently, participation in-person is restricted to 100 attendees in Brussels and 50 in Ispra. Due to the limited capacity we ask all participants to keep the organisers informed about cancellations by writing to EU-CITIZEN-ENGAGEMENT@ec.europa.eu.