
The Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy aims to respond to the increasing demand from the European Commission, EU institutions and countries for capacity to support participatory and deliberative projects and policies at the EU level.
This web platform aims to support the activities of the Community of Practice by providing a space for sharing experiences and recommendations regarding different methodologies to engage citizens. Moreover, the web platform is itself a place of reflexivity on participatory methodologies and governance. It can also be used as a working space to design citizen participation in science and policy making.
Training for local, regional and national public administrations and future trainers
Registrations are open for the first edition of the training on citizen engagement for public administrations and future trainers. The training is free and open to public officials, civil servants and other government professionals working in local, regional and national public administrations, and to future trainers. Participants will be able to choose among three levels of competence: basic; advanced; and train-the-trainer.