Young Citizens Assembly on Pollinators: Call for expressions of interest to join the Advisory Committee

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Submitted by Mateusz TOKARSKI on

Young Citizens Assembly on Pollinators: Call for expressions of interest to join the Advisory Committee

The Assembly aims to engage young citizens in the crucial dialogue on how to reverse the dramatic decline of pollinating insects unfolding against the backdrop of general biodiversity loss. An Advisory Committee will support the Assembly in terms of knowledge curation as well as transparency and integrity of the process. The call for expressions of interest to join the Committee is now open!

The Young Citizens Assembly on Pollinators is a deliberative process organised by the European Commission that will gather young people from across the EU to discuss key issues connected to the decline of wild pollinating insects and to develop policy recommendations for the EU institutions regarding this important biodiversity issue. You can read more about the process in our previous blog post

The process includes many challenging elements. First, the topic raises many controversies, addressing a broad and intricate range of policy issues with very high stakes. This necessitates input from scientists, public authorities, private sector, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders. In addition, the experimental nature of the Assembly as a pilot for a possible permanent process adds methodological complexity. The focus on youth, in turn, introduces several sensitive aspects.

To support the process, the Commission is seeking motivated and qualified individuals to serve on the Assembly’s Advisory Committee. The Committee will provide critical support for the Assembly's implementation in terms of knowledge curation as well as transparency and integrity of the process, ultimately strengthening its legitimacy.

Accordingly, we seek applications from individuals that possess skills and experience in fostering interactions and facilitating dialogue between various stakeholders and knowledge holders across multiple disciplines (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities) and domains (policy, research, civil society, business). We also invite expressions of interest from individuals with expertise in deliberative democracy and youth engagement. Ideal candidates should be adept at navigating complex knowledge landscapes and making information accessible to non-experts.

The deadline for applications is 7th April 2025, at 12:00 CET. Applications can be done by filling out the EU Survey Form

Feel free to further disseminate this call! 

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to

About the Author
Mateusz Tokarski works as a policy analyst at the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy. He has a background in media studies and environmental studies, with particular focus on environmental ethics and biodiversity conflicts. He currently supports projects on the engagement of citizens in the protection of biodiversity.