2nd Citizen Engagement Festival

2nd Citizen Engagement Festival

09 Dec 2019 -
10 Dec 2019


The Citizen Engagement Festival is an annual event organised by the Joint Research Centre in the framework of the EU Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement. This year, the festival will be held in Brussels, on the 9 & 10 of December 2019. The aim is to reach out to colleagues across EU institutions and practitioners from different Member States, civil society organisations to strengthen understanding of the role of citizen engagement across the policy cycle.

The activities envisaged during the two days fall roughly into the following categories: showcasing, debating, networking, capacity building, planning and further consolidation.



9:00 | Introduction to the festival

9:10 | Address by Charlina Vitcheva [ADG JRC]

9:30 | Conversation 1: A new push for European Democracy. 

10:30 | Ice-breaker.

11:15 | Tea & Coffee break

11:45 | Talk 1: Redesigning Democratic Institutions. 
Alessandro Bellantoni [OECD]

12:15 | Conversation 2: Large scale engagements? Yes, we can. 

13:15 | Exhibition Launch & Lunch

14:30 | A serious game. So, you want a Deliberative Democracy?

15:15 | Conversation 3: Deliberative democracy turn?

16:15 | Tea & Coffee break

16:30 | The Cabinet of successes and unsuccesses – some stories and conversations about meanings of success.

17:30 | Launching of the Citizen Engagement CoP website and inventory. 

18:00 | Break with aperitif

18:30 | A play: “The Shining Path”, by Rahila Gupta

19:30 | END of day 1

10 DECEMBER 2019

8:45 | Introduction to the day

9:00 | Talk 2: Citizens and MEPs: a Fruitful Collaboration. 

Brando Benifei [EP]

9:20 | Conversation 4: Citizens say. 

10:10 | Talk 3: Learning, Engaging, Reflecting – Science Communication as Boundary Spaces for Co-creation. 

Maja Horst [DTU]: 

10:40 | Tea & Coffee break

11:10 | Conversation 5: A co-creation turn?

11:45 | Conversation 6: Libraries, Museums, and other public spaces - what roles for CE? 

            Conversation 7: Inventories, taxonomies: What is at stake?

12:30 | Lunch + exhibition tour

14:00 | The LABS

  • We-Participation for Policy Making 
  • SDGs App: a co-designing experiment 
  • Pollinators’ games
  • (Invasive) Alien[s] (Species) in the Parc!

15:30 | Coffee and Tea break

15:45 | Short account of Parallel conversations

16:00 | Plenary Game: Citizen Engagement Futures

16:45 | Graphical account of what went on. 

Nick Pain [Abigail]

17:00 | Plenary panel: Reflections and Ways Ahead 

17:45 | END


European Commission, Philippe Le Bon building, Brussels, Belgium

50.84518098142, 4.375976802558
