Guidelines for posting on the CC-DEMOS blog

Submitted by Paulo ROSA on

The Community of Practice for the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy (CC-DEMOS) runs a blog that features articles on participatory and deliberative democracy and citizen engagement. Articles are primary focused on European Commission initiatives, but they also include content on activities in the field in countries both in Europe and globally.

Anybody is invited to write a blog, as long as it falls within the topic area and is relevant to our Community of practitioners, researchers and policymakers in the field of participatory and deliberative democracy.

The views and opinions expressed in the blog articles belong solely to the author of the content, and do not necessarily reflect the European Commission's perspectives on the issue.

If you would like to write a blogpost, we recommend that you first write to the Competence Centre team at to check the proposed article, and receive support on how to create an account to post content on the website.

Draft blog posts should ideally be written in Microsoft Word, and total between 300 - 1000 words. Each article needs a corresponding image, ideally with a 1:1 ratio (square format) and larger than 400x400 pixels​. It is required to write a byline at the end of the article about the author and their job title. Each quarter, the latest blog posts are amalgamated into the quarterly newsletter for the Community which has a circulation of 1000 recipients working in the field.

Once your text has been approved by the team, you will be able to go ahead and write the blog post here: