

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the blog articles belong solely to the author of the content, and do not necessarily reflect the European Commission's perspectives on the issue.

Ângela Guimarães Pereira, head of the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy, explains why June 17th, 2022 was a significant day for citizen engagement in EU policymaking.
Ever wondered how to engage citizens on the problem of pollinators decline? Check out the STING project initiative that uses a robot to help citizens get more closely connected with pollinators. provide us an update on their latest initiative to engage 123 000 participants in France and Germany as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe.
This paper presents a participant-observation account of John Boswell's experience as a randomly selected participant at a Citizens’ Assembly. He reflects on what the unique experience of ‘seeing like a citizen’ can add to accepted understandings and practices of mini-public deliberation.
The unexpected happened. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are in intense need of life-saving equipment and protective gear. The risk is high for health workers and patients and there is not enough manufacturing capacity to cope with the shortage of equipment. This is why grassroots initiatives by those that care or have an interest in tinkering and reinventing, including engineers, scientists, designers, innovators and many others are taking this matter into their own hands. These makers are all moved by a shared goal of helping and cooperating for the common good.